The Best Gifts for 2-Year-Old Boys

Connor’s second birthday is in 2 weeks so I’ve been searching for gift ideas to share with friends and family! We started using Amazon Lists a few years ago and it has been a game changer when sharing gift ideas with multiple family members! They’re happy because they got the kiddo something they’ll love and you’re happy because you know you won’t get duplicates! Win win! Check out our favorite gifts for 2 year old boys!

Balance Bike - Gavin’s old balance bike finally bit the dust so we added this cute balance bike to Connor’s wishlist. Gavin started using his at 2 and was riding a bike without training wheels at 4. He rode the balance bike ALL.THE.TIME. and I think it helped him so much when it came time to learn to ride a bike. Hoping Connor loves it too!

Blockaroos - Kyle got my kids hooked on these amazing soft, magnetic blocks. My kiddos played with Tucker and Graham with them at their house and we got some for Christmas last year. I added another set to his wish list because they are great for all 3 kids.

Magnatiles - Another fave that spans all 3 kids. Magnatiles are the one toy I can bring out and guarantee at least 15 minutes of play. It’s worth it to buy the name brand in my opinion!

Thomas Mini Trains - Gavin was a train lover so we have tons of these mini Thomas trains. Connor has recently started playing with them and loves them. They’re great for going out to dinner and for travel!

Vtech Smart Wheels - Connor is into cars and this little set looks like something he will love to play with and can use for awhile! Can’t wait to see how much he loves it!

Vtech Toolbox - This cute set is great for construction loving kiddos and has an educational component!

Bouncy Hopper Dog - These bouncy animals are a fave of Connors’ when we go to friends houses and play spaces. Adding to the wish list!

Gator Golf - Connor received this as a gift and it was a hit with all 3 kids. Another fun option for smaller spaces that can be used for years.

Popit Book - Can’t leave out books on the wish lists! Connor loves popit books and this farm one will be a hit!


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