Holiday Gift Guide: Stocking Stuffers for Boys
Boy oh boy, need to fill those stockings with all the boy vibes? We’ve got you covered! We have four (!!!!) boys between the two of us so we’ve scoured the world wide web to find goodies that they’ll be pumped to open on Christmas morning! Let’s get to the deets.
Sports, Games, and Jokes, Oh My!
Bombas Socks - yes, Bombas again! They have character socks and sporty crew socks any boy will love.
Sporty Jibbits - it’s always fun to add jibbits to their Crocs!
Spot It - if you don’t have this game, you need it! Fun for the whole family.
Personalized Wallet - they need somewhere to put that tooth fairy money!
Nerf Darts - are there ever enough?
Baseball Necklace - these are all the rage!
Squeezy Mates Keychain - also, all the rage!
Knock Knock Jokes Book - a fun Christmas day activity!