7 Random Things: Kim

What a month! I did my first ever Sober October and thoroughly enjoyed not drinking. Leading up to October I read This Naked Mind and it really shifted my perspective on drinking! Highly recommend for anyone interested in examining their drinking patterns. Fun fact, I bought the book in February of 2020 and then Covid hit and the thought of not drinking seemed impossible (which prob means I really should have read the book then haha). We also did our family photos before the cold front came and I love them! Nothing like capturing your little fam dressed nice and smiling no matter how many meltdowns happened behind the scenes.

I’ve got a girls trip coming up to celebrate one of my besties from college 40th birthday! Hard to believe the 40s are so close. I’ve got 2 more years and honestly still think I’m in my early 30s…my face says otherwise but thanks to Pinch, I’m looking younger every day lol.

We also have Gavin’s birthday right after Thanksgiving and I’m co-hosting a parent party for my kiddos school to raise money for their library so I need to get on with the planning! If your school is not doing parent parties, highly recommend as a fun way to raise funds and build community! You host and pay for a party and the PTA or Parent Organization sells tix to the party and keeps the funds for the school! We’re doing a Wine and Wreaths night where a group of moms will have wine, apps, and learn how to make a holiday wreath. Last year there were tons of fun parent parties; trivia nights, Margarita Moms nights, cookie decorating classes, bowling, Beer Pong Tournament for Dads (this was a big hit), candle making classes, etc.

What I’m Reading, Watching, and Listening to:


The Silent Patient - I loved this book. It was a find from Salvation Army (I love buying hardbacks to share with friends when I’m done and they always have a huge selection of books under $3…always love a deal!)

The 5am Club - I heard about this book from an influencer I follow and it’s been a slow start but I’ve enjoyed some of the takeaways. I’m a morning person by nature but I want to keep pushing myself to get up a little earlier to start my day off right. I like to do a quick meditation (in my closet lol) before I get ready and it has immensely changed my days for the better!


Fair Play Documentary - HIGHLY recommend for anyone married with kids. It does a great job of showcasing the invisible load mothers carry. Clark and I watched it together and it really helped him see what I’ve been bitching about for so long! Eve Rodsky also wrote the Fair Play book and created a little card game to go along with it. She is a HERO!

Love is Blind - I’m a reality show junkie and usually love this show but this season was AWFUL. The contestants were not my fave and there were so few couples it was pretty boring.


Raising Good Humans - I heard about Dr. Aliza on Molly Sims podcast and now I’m hooked on her approach to parenting. I really loved the Conscious Parenting Episode with Dr. Shefali.

The Dream Bigger Podcast - The host is an entrepreneur how interviews people in different industries across beauty, fitness, and health. I like her style of interviews and have loved every episode.

7 Things I’m Loving Now

Nuuly - I took a short break from Nuuly to try and save some money but it didn’t last long. I love getting new things to wear each month and it’s such a fun way to try new styles without committing. It’s $98 for 6 pieces that you get to select each month. Once you return your drop from that month, you can place your order for the next month. I’ve gotten so many fun jackets, dresses, and sweaters and it’s also so great for formal events and weddings. If you love the item you rented, you can keep it at a discount! You can try it here for $20 off your first month!

Human Design - I’m a sucker for things like Human Design, Enneagram, Meyers-Briggs, and anything that tells you more about yourself. Human Design is pretty woo-woo but I’ve really loved reading about it and listening to podcasts about it. I’m a Manifesting Generator for anyone who knows about it! Read more about it here!

Color Analysis - Kyle and I both have been loving learning more and more about Color Analysis. Kyle is a Light Spring and I am a Cool Winter. It’s so fun to see how different you can look by just changing to a color that works for your season. If you want to get your own Color Analysis we’d love to help!

Target Snow Boots - I’m OBSESSED with these $50 puffy snow boots from Target. Since Chicago is bananas and it snowed on Halloween, I’ve already gotten to wear them a few times.

Nespresso Coffee Maker - I’m late to the Nespresso game but I am hooked. I love having a quick Espresso in the afternoon or a frothy coffee in the morning. It tastes so much better than the Keurig coffee I had been drinking.

Pinch - Kyle and I both just used Pinch for the first time for Botox at home and had the best experience. It was my first time and I was super nervous, but having the provider come to me was a game-changer! Highly recommend if you are in the Chicagoland area!


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